Monday 14 November 2016

DepicT! pre-production

Production Diary


I completed two story boards with the help of Rhys drawing and Viv filling in the blanks i missed. we have managed to include loads of short shots for our film to keep it fast paced.


Today we set up the location of where we are filming for when we decide to start filming in said room.


Today we re-filmed as our location had to change due to the office we were using is in use now. we now only have to edit as we finished filming.

Initial ideas

The original plan for the depicT! 90 second film was for an assassin who is the voice over talks about their life and their job with an assassination in the background for the visual. The assassination is made to look like a suicide so that the assassin can never be caught, the life of crime pays off as they are payed a great sum of money for each assassination.

Talent Release

This is an adult release form which states that the actor has agreed for us to use their face in our film. This form is important because without it the film can be taken down and the use of it can prohibited if they decide they don't want to be in it. This release form is key part in pre-production, it is called an adult release form because it is for people aged 18 and over. If you are 18 or younger you have to get parental permission. If the actor decided they don't want to be in the film after signing this release form they cannot do anything about it because they have signed a document and they can't under any circumstances take the film down. 

Below is a minor release form that I have already spoken about. This form is for actors that are below the age of 18. This form needs a parental signature, name, email address and phone number, this is so that they can be contacted if something were to happen to the actor. Unlike the adult release form this one needs a witness to sign and print their name to make sure that all the information was true and it wasn't forged. This would normally be a close family member or a close friend of the family. Just like the adult release form this shows that you have agreed to be filmed and that your parent/guardian agrees too.

Location Recce

For our location we were going to originally use an office in the college which was eventually taken when we wanted to finish our filming so we decided to set up a fake office in the studio. The importance of the location recce is so that we can show and describe where we are filming. without this we may not have been able to film in this location because this states how many times a week we would be filming and how long each time.

These two photos show the area where i was filming as i had it set up for filming. two of the lights were in use the other one was out of order so we had to make do with the lighting we could get. The room itself was very useful however as it contained a variety of different props that aided us in our creation of 'Hangman'.

The storyboards show what and how a shot will be taken. without this it is very hard to make the final film as the story board shows you what to film and where to edit it in. This is a very important part of organised film making and it is essential to make a good and well thought out film.

Props/costume list
We didn't have many props apart from a desk and some paper work for the set up and then we used a rope and  bag. the costumes wasn't really strict as long as the assassin was wearing something to hide their face. 

Risk assessment
Location release
Production Schedule

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