Friday 10 February 2017

TV advertisement evaluation

Our group decided on the product pot noodle, unfortunately due to sickness I wasn't able to help decide which product would be used. However I did help with the overall idea when I returned. As a group we decided on a chef preparing a pot noodle as a fancy dish so that we could aim the product at a upper class audience. However we were unable to follow through with that idea because the locations we wanted to film at were unable to be used at the time of recording so we came at it from a different angle. we still aimed it at the upper class but instead of doing a chef we decided on a university student using one as the perfect meal for a date. With no more options he had to go with the pot noodle at the last second and it ended up as a great meal. We decided on the AD to show the Pot Noodle as Posh Noodle in order to make the target audience realise fully it is aimed at them. The reason we chose the upper class market was because it is the exact opposite of what Pot Noodle currently aim at. Their current audience is working to middle class, so advertising it as a great meal rather than a lunch snack will appeal more to the upper class.

We decided to collect feedback from our target audience through a questionnaire.
Regarding our target audience I don't believe that we engaged them like we hope to, this is because our final ad involved a university student and i think we engaged them more because of how convenient pot noodles are for them due to them always being engaged in work. Our advert was meant to look as if it was based in a kitchen at a university. The location we filmed at was very similar to that of one, I know this from previously visiting a university dorm. the ending part where they are seated we didn't know what its was meant to seem like but the shots seemed to go with the shots from previously. Our original establishing shot wasn't very good so we decided to re film it and take it from a different angle so we decided to film a block of flats in order to make it more obvious that they are in a university dorm.

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